
Posts Tagged ‘Interesting facts’


1. Omega-3 fatty acids-found in foods including walnuts, flax, and fatty fish such as salmon and sardines-may boost brain areas that govern mood.(VIA)
2. Blueberry, cranberry or strawberry extracts or Concord grape juice boost brain power.
( VIA)
3. Mental discipline and meditative practice can change the workings of the brain and allow people to achieve different levels of awareness.(VIA)
4. According to psychologists Andrew Gallup and Gordon Gallup of the State University of New York at Albany, that is why we yawn: to boost blood flow and chill the brain.( VIA)
5. Using brain scans, the researchers showed that in 12 people who had learnt to juggle, certain brain areas had grown.( VIA)
6. The ingredient which is commonly used in curry (giving the dish the yellow colour) seems to boost brain power in elderly people. (VIA)
7. Random noise may improve the human brain’s ability to process information, according to a research by two physicists in Japan. (VIA)
8. The dietary supplement that is widely used to boost athletic performance appears to help boost your brain’s performance as well. (VIA)
9. People who consumed two or more vegetables a day had a 35 to 40 percent decrease in the decline in thinking ability over six years. That’s the equivalent of being five years younger in age. (VIA )
10. A Dutch review of studies indicates aerobic exercise may give older adults a boost in brainpower.( VIA)
11. Solving crosswords and similar puzzles could boost brain power. (VIA)


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